Top 6 Elements to Updating Flooring: Budget

Last week, in our 6-part series on updating your flooring, we talked about how it’s important to consider several factors before you start your flooring project.

This week, we tackle budgeting. So, to get started, there is one important question to answer:  how long do you expect the flooring to perform in your facility?bamboo-laminate-flooring-6-part-series-interior-surface

Flooring comes with several performance ranges.  For example, we have carpeting that can be replaced every 2 years and other options that need replaced up to every 10-15 years. This varies significantly and we want to make sure if you plan on moving in a couple of years that we don’t necessarily provide you with a 15 year carpet.

commercial-flooring-6-part-series-updating-interior-surfaceOr on the other end of the spectrum, if you own your building and want the carpet to last 15 years, we need to know that up front so we can ensure we are providing you with the appropriate options for longevity in your flooring. 

So, ask yourself that most important question because it could mean the difference in the bottom line.

Next week . . . durability!